
European Council has approved a set

of proposals that would require companies

such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTubeuto

block videos containing hate speech and

incitements to terrorism. The proposals,

which were approved by EU ministers

Tuesday, will still need to be passed by the

European Parliament before becoming law,

as Reuters reports.

If approved, the regulations would be the

first at the EU level to hold social media

companies accountable for hate speech

published on their platforms. European

lawmakers have called on tech companies

to do more to curb the spread of hate

speech and terrorist propaganda, though

there are concerns that aggressive

legislation could curtail free speech.

Under the proposal, social media services

would be required to implement

mechanisms to block videos that promote

terrorism, incite hatred, or contain hate

speech. Citing an EU diplomat, Reuters

reports that the regulations would not

apply to live video platforms, such as

Facebook Live.

The proposals also call for on-demand

services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime

to devote at least 30 percent of their

libraries to European films and TV shows.

The European Commission had previously

proposed a 20 percent quota for European

content. Services such as Netflix could also

be required to contribute to the production

of films and TV shows in EU member


“It is essential to have one common set of

audiovisual rules across the EU and avoid

the complication of different national

laws,” Andrus Ansip, vice president of the

European Commission’s Digital Single

Market initiative, said in a statement

Tuesday. “We need to take into account

new ways of watching videos, and find the

right balance to encourage innovative

services, promote European films, protect

children and tackle hate speech in a better


Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Microsoft

signed on last year to a voluntary “code of

conduct” in Europe, under which the

companies agreed to review and remove

content flagged as hateful within 24 hours.

But a study commissioned by the

Commission in December 2016 found that

the tech companies have largely failed to

comply with the agreement.

Lawmakers in Germany are considering far

more aggressive legislation that would

impose fines of up to €50 million ($56

million) on social media companies that

fail to swiftly remove hate speech or other

illegal content.

In his press statement, Ansip said

negotiators from the European Parliament,

Council and Commission will meet to

discuss the proposed rules “in the coming
